We started our YouTube channel back in 2013. Our friend David gave us his old camcorder and said film something. So we did. We've made nearly 200 videos since that first one about digging a pond in the garden, and it's been a really interesting project. Mind you, we still have no idea why some videos take off and get hundreds of thousands of views, while some just sit there - just another example of the random awesomeness of life, I guess.
At last count we have over 20,000 subscribers and the money Google sends us once a month now pays a few bills. More than that, we have made friends around the world and learned a huge amount through the dozens of comments we receive everyday. All's good, in fact. So thanks everyone for your ongoing interest and encouragement. Who would have thought we could make a part-time job out of sitting at the computer in a little study way out west of everywhere!
We're not at all sure we'll sell anything from this emporium. We can only put things in it that won't go off and can be sent through the post. And they're all handmade so they're not particularly cheap either. If we don't sell anything, that's ok too, it's all part of the adventure and this simple website cost us nothing. We'll give it a try for a few months and just see how it goes. And if we do sell things, then great - because the weather was so bad here this year there was no honey to harvest and so no income at all from the bees. (It's been a few years since that happened and normally we rely on honey sales.) Don't worry about us though, our freezers are full so we won't go hungry - but things are pretty tight so every penny helps!
Of course, if you don't know our YouTube Channel then you'd better hop to it right now and click HERE And, in case you missed it, here's that very first video..
No one is helping us with the website so bear with us if something goes wrong. Just get in touch and we'll try to put it right, ok?